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Thursday, 18 September 2014

#niprockart Painting process

When I first started painting I wasn't positive as to what exact texture I was going for. However, I knew i wanted it to be a mix of blue and white. At first I attempted to play around with a paint brush, but I wasn't completely happy with the product so I started experimenting with other tools. I ended up using a cotton swab to paint all my letter fronts. I found it was the best to roll in the paint and then dab/roll onto the canvas. Some downfalls of the cotton swab was that painting took forever! With each letter I became less patient because I thought the painting would have been done much sooner. I did learn that experimenting can lead to utilizing the most unique tools.
Once I finally finished the letters I moved onto the paint palette and paint brush in the lower right corner. I struggle to find the right shade of brown for both pieces. I asked for advice and a fellow classmate suggested outlining the palette in black, but I am still am not very happy with how they look. 
Next, was the moose head. I first outlined the spots that would be black (nose, mouth, etc.). This was a mistake because it would have been much easier in the long run if i had painting the whole moose brown then the face. As a result the painting is not thick enough in some spots on the canvas. Another issue I had with the moose was the colour. I accidentally grabbed the wrong brown and it had a grey/green tone to it when I was hoping for more of a chocolate brown. I ask Mrs.Rose for help with a solution and she showed me colours to mix in order to make your own brown. Although, immediately after I found the correct brown it was an excellent learning experience.
Finally, I was finished but I didn't think it looked quite complete so I decided to paint the back round a light blue to tie the whole look together. Unfortunately, this was on a Friday and I ran out of class time, therefore when I returned on the Monday I mixed a new blue which was not quite the same as the original. However, I did not turn on the lights while I was painting and couldn't tell until I was finished. Now some parts are darker/lighter then others, but at this point I was to happy to be done no changes were done, and now I like to think the discoloration gives it some "character".  I enjoy painting, but next time I think i will opt for a smaller size canvas in order to prevent me getting bored and rushing.

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