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Thursday, 29 January 2015

Part 2 Culminating: Creation of Painting

In the painting process, everyone who wanted to paint to mural volunteered which part they would enjoy doing the most. I chose the mountains. This task interested me the most because they were to be painted in Group of Seven style. When I was in an art course in previous years I had done a project on one of the member Lawren Harris who paints beautiful mountain scenes. I enjoy painting in his style because I think our techniques are similar, so this job interested me.
 I went off a series of paintings of his, and used the colours white, black and blue. The paint consistency was hard to get used to at first, and I had trouble blending but then after the first session I got used to it. I found the consistency to be more watery then regular acrylic, and even after washing my brushes I would have to dry them thoroughly in order not to affect the paint. I painted the sides of the mountains that were facing away from the sun with dark greys, and one of my peers did the side facing the sun with blues also mimicking Harris’ style.
A challenge I faced in the painting process was the lack of shades and mixing of the paint. Originally, I had planned to use navy however, when mixing it would always come out a dark grey/green shade. We also could not afford to waste paint so mixing was hard because you were always trying to conserve portions. Unfortunately, because of family matters I wasn't at school to completely finish the mountains so one of my fellow classmates helped me out and completed the task.

Overall, I always enjoy painting in Harris’ style and the painting process was very enjoyable.

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