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Thursday, 6 November 2014

Artists Observe

As an artist when I think of observing other art works the first word that comes to mind is: analyzing. By analyzing I mean asking myself questions such as: what techniques did this artist use? why? What is the main message of this piece? What is the most prominent part? Is it visually enjoyable? Is the piece made to be looked at or thought about? The last question is the most important in my opinion. All pieces are meant to be thought about, but some are meant to speak a message in another form then word of mouth, and other are made to be hung in your living room. I personally enjoy works that keep me thinking about it wondering how creative and genius the artist is. An example of this is the contemporary artist Ai WeiWei. His pieces make statements, and shed light on controversial topics. Such as this one, which was made in honor of the collapsing of a school killing many children.
An example of a piece made to be visually enjoyable is:

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