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Tuesday, 11 November 2014

What I've Been Up To

Lately, I have been lacking inspiration. I have been jumping from project to project without being able to commit. At first I was considering doing a painting of the Brooklyn bridge because I love New
York. However, the thought of drawing many lines for the bricks turned me off. Then I thought of doing a painting with mountains in Switzerland because they are beautiful.
I didn't end up getting very far, but I did do a small painting inspired by a Renaissance colour scheme. Instead of using the usual blue, white, and grey. I used burgundy as the shadow side on the mountain. I did have some troubles though mixing the paint to get the shade that I was looking for. I think it might have been too close to red but, I was satisfied with the product. The photo is on my old phone and will be added as soon as possible! In grade 10 I did tons of experiencing and a project with calligraphy, and the other day I thought I would try it out again because it did kind of tie in with our recent unit the Renaissance. 
I just did some basic experimenting, but I still really enjoy it hopefully I can find a way to utilize it in a future project!

1 comment:

  1. You should write about artist's block. Or creative paralysis. Or sketch what it feels/looks like to be disinterested, uninspired...
